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“We need to realign our human systems with planetary systems now, and find ways to thrive within this work.


And, as change makers, we cannot truly heal and evolve our society, organisations and planet without also healing and evolving ourselves.

This is what I'm here on this planet to help you do.”


Jenna Robertson

Tropical Leaves

Coach Biography

Jenna Robertson is a Certified Regenerative Leadership Coach working with executives, entrepreneurs, change-makers, pioneers and creative professionals worldwide.


She works one-on-one and with groups, facilitating courageous spaces and co-creating bespoke experiences to unravel burnout and oppression from within, so that her clients can lead and live in harmony with their inner and outer nature; the most urgent work of our time.

In her 21-year multi-sector career, Jenna has embodied the intersection of creativity, leadership, science, consciousness and space holding. Her path to leadership development travelled through engineering innovation and project leadership in the resources sector to internationally award-winning work as a leader, creative and performer in the arts.

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She brings her leading-edge doctoral research on regenerative leadership and creativity to her work and she has led complex project delivery at scale. Her arts projects alone have engaged almost 1,000 artists, arts workers and community participants as well as almost 10,000 audience members and her engineering projects delivered global innovation and won industry-level awards.


Her one-on-one clients so far are from corporate, public health, corporate, energy, not-for-profit and arts sectors and have been based in Australia, UK, Netherlands and USA. Her recent co-created group experiences were for visionary creatives (Creative Change Makers), arts executives (PAC Australia), corporate leaders (FCM) and community (Making Good Alliance). 


Her magic ingredients are her otherworldly presence and cheeky sense of humour, which have a heart-opening effect on groups and unlock vulnerability, courage and trust. Her experience as a creative brings a potent multi-sensory toolkit to experience design and some say her Scottish-Australian voice is like a soothing elixir.


In 2022, Australia Council for the Arts funded her action research project, Burnout to Regeneration (in collaboration with Joel Carnegie), exploring regenerative business models for creative entrepreneurs, which saw her host a leadership retreat in 2022 and speaking (and singing) at the 2023 arts leadership conference APAX in Cairns.


Jenna founded her consultancy, Gaia's Evolution,  in 2020 through demand from people wanting to work with her.  Gaia's Evolution is her consultancy dedicated to enabling human, leadership and cultural capacities for a regenerative future. Jenna has coached leaders and artists for more than 400 hours and is a Certified Coach through Beautiful You Coaching Academy. 


Those who have supported Jenna's evolution as a regenerative leader and coach through their teaching, coaching or writings include Emily Lane (Evolutionary Intelligence Academy), Julie Parker, (Beautiful You Coaching Academy), Giles Hutchins, Laura Storm (Regenerators Academy), Otto Scharmer and the Presencing Institute Team (MIT), Heather Plett (Centre for Holding Space), Lisa Lahey and Robert Kegan, Brad Peirce  and Cynthia Scott (Regenerative Change Lab), Jolinda Johnson, Lydia Fairhall, Dr Mary Graham, Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng, Jade Kennedy, Tyson Yunkaporta, Frederik Laloux, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, her ancestors, Wangerriburra Country and more.

© 2024 Jenna Robertson

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